The Truth About 5 Common Dental Implant Myths

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 2:37 pm
A dentist showing a patient dental implants.

Dental implants are an investment, but many people are hesitant to get them because of misinformation they have heard online or from well-meaning friends and family.  If you’ve been considering dental implants but aren’t sure they’re worth the cost, don’t let inaccuracies scare you away from restoring your smile. Here are a few common myths about them and the truth about why they may just be the best oral health choice you’ll ever make.

Myth #1: They’re Not Affordable

While dental implants may have a higher up-front cost than traditional means of tooth restoration, when it comes to overall value, they can’t be beaten. That’s because dental implants are permanent, so they don’t require frequent replacement like dentures do. They are also easier to care for, allow for greater biteforce than dentures, and can even help maintain the integrity of your jawbone, all of which can save you more money and prevent further tooth loss down the road.

Myth #2: Implant Surgery is Too Risky

You may have heard that there are complications that could come along with dental implant surgery, however, there are risks with any type of surgery. With dental implants, there is always a danger of implant failure, but thankfully this only occurs in about 5 percent of patients.  In the chance that your dentist does not believe your treatment has high odds of success, they will either recommend an additional procedure like a bone graft first.

Myth #3: Dental Implants Look Fake

If you’re concerned about the crowns on your dental implants looking too white, being the wrong shape, or being too big or small for your mouth, don’t despair. Dental crowns aren’t a one color/shape/size fits all. Working together with your dentist, you can select dental implants that blend in seamlessly with your healthy teeth.

Myth #4:  Dental Implants Are Only for People Who Have Lost All Their Teeth

When it comes to dental implants, if your jawbone is healthy, there is no wrong or right amount you can receive. That means whether you need one, three, or a full set, you can replace as little or as many teeth as you’d like. If you have remaining natural teeth, you can even keep them, as dental implants should not replace a tooth that can be restored by other means such as by a veneer, crown, or a root canal.

Myth #5: Dental Implants Are Painful

While it’s certainly understandable why you would think dental implant surgery is painful, you can rest assured that your mouth will be completely numb for the procedure, and you won’t feel anything more than occasional pressure. Once the numbness wears off, you may experience some discomfort, however this pain is usually quite manageable with over-the-counter medication after the first few days of recovery.

Your diet can also play a role in pain reduction, as you will be instructed to only eat soft foods at first. Once your mouth begins to heal, you will gradually be able to eat harder foods. Following an adjustment period  after your crowns are placed, you will once again be able to eat the same foods you enjoyed with your natural, healthy teeth, all without any pain or discomfort.

Don’t let confusion or doubt dissuade you from making the choice to take control of your oral health. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the dental implant process, reach out to your dentist for more information.

About Dr. Philip

Dr. George T. Philip treats patients of all ages, from children to the elderly and everyone in between. He believes that education is the best way to help people care for their oral health, and in addition to taking countless hours of continuing education on his own, he prides himself on empowering his patients to make well-informed choices with his help.

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, schedule an appointment by visiting our website or calling 972-961-4105 today.

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