Dealing with Discomfort: Tips for New Invisalign Wearers
January 12, 2024
Are you having trouble adjusting to your new Invisalign aligners? You’re not alone! Many patients experience some discomfort when they first begin their journey to a straighter smile. Don’t worry – this will pass with time and can often be managed effectively. But what if you need relief now?
Read on to find some valuable tips to help you alleviate any uncomfortable issues with your Invisalign aligners.
(more…)Why Should I Replace My Metal Crown with a Metal-Free One?
December 13, 2023
Dental crowns have been used for centuries to restore compromised teeth to their former shape and function. Until not too long ago, dental crowns were typically made of metal or had porcelain shells over metal bases. While these could be fine restorations, they often presented cosmetic issues or concerns for people with metal sensitivities. Here are a few reasons why it can be an excellent idea to replace your old metal crowns with new metal-free ones.
(more…)Dental Delight: 4 Health Benefits of Smiling
November 7, 2023
Did you know that people with dental issues are more likely to report feelings of unworthiness, depression, and lack of social engagement? Flaws in your teeth can leave you feeling so self-conscious that it impacts your overall well-being. Fortunately, your dentist can improve your health by restoring your grin with cosmetic dentistry. If you’re interested to know more, keep reading to learn about 4 benefits of smiling!
(more…)3 Common Dental Emergencies and What to Expect
October 10, 2023
No one can anticipate when an accident or emergency might happen, and our teeth are no exception. There are unfortunately a multitude of ways you could end up with a dental emergency. It can be hard to know what to do in the heat of the moment when you’re dealing with an injury or toothache. If you’re aware of what to expect in advance, however, you might be better able to help yourself if you ever do have one. That’s why we’ve put together this brief list of 3 common emergency issues your dentist sees and how they can treat them.
(more…)Dental Implants: A Saving Grace for Athletes
September 5, 2023
Dental implants are one of the most often-recommended ways of replacing a tooth that’s been lost, and patients of all stripes can benefit from what they have to offer. However, there are some patients that can get more out of dental implants than others, and for some types of people, they may even be a necessity.
Athletes are an excellent example. They lose teeth often in accidents, and while other methods of tooth replacement can help them, dental implants tend to be perfect for their unique needs. Here are a few reasons why that’s the case.
(more…)4 Ways Vaping Affects Your Oral Health
August 16, 2023
You’ve probably heard of the negative effects smoking can have on your oral and overall health. Some smokers have made the change to electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or vapes) because they believe they are a safer option. As a result, e-cigarettes are now the most popular tobacco products among children and adolescents. However, vaping is not without health risks, contributing to various oral and overall health problems. To put things in perspective, here are 4 ways vaping affects your smile.
(more…)Does Invisalign Work Only on the Top Teeth?
July 13, 2023
Some people might worry about the alignment of their top row of teeth while being perfectly happy with the one on the bottom. They might ask, “If I get Invisalign do I really need to do both rows?” With a single arch treatment, you can wear aligners to straighten out one problematic row of teeth. While only an orthodontic provider is qualified to determine if it is advisable, a single arch treatment can cut the number of aligners and the money you need to spend. Read on to find out more.
(more…)Indicators That Your Dental Crown Should Be Replaced
June 7, 2023
Dental crowns are some of the best ways that your dentist can repair cracked, damaged, or otherwise broken teeth. They’re also incredibly realistic, meaning that if you have one, you may have even forgotten that it was there.
However, one day, you may start to notice that your dental crown doesn’t quite feel the way that it ought to. The fact is that no piece of dental work lasts forever—here are a few signs that yours could need to be replaced.
(more…)3 Minimally-Invasive Ways to Enhance Your Smile
May 3, 2023
Your smile is one of the first features that strangers will notice about you—and it’s also the first thing that your friends and family will notice, too! This means that you should want your teeth to always look and feel their best; fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can assist with this. But you might have doubts about committing to cosmetic dentistry, and you’d prefer to pledge to a treatment that is minimally invasive and not daunting in the slightest. Here are three possible ideas your trusted cosmetic dentist thinks you should consider.
(more…)Why Is My Toothache Worse at Night?
April 21, 2023
If you have a toothache that seems to get worse at night, you may not be imagining it. Toothaches can intensify after you go to bed, but you don’t have to spend the night tossing and turning. Here’s how you can avoid a sleepless night from dental pain until you can see your emergency dentist.