George T. Philip, DMD Blog

Mesquite Dentist Discusses Frequently Asked Questions about All-on-4® Dental Implants

June 28, 2016

Filed under: dental implants — Tags: , , , — drphilip @ 6:38 pm

If you are considering having your missing teeth replaced with implant-retained dentures, then you may want to consider All-On-4 dentures. These combine the security of dental implants with the convenience and attractive appearance of fixed dentures. To help you decide, Mesquite dentist Dr. Philip would like to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about this procedure.


How To Fix The Gap In Your Smile With Dental Implants in Sunnyvale

May 21, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphilip @ 4:58 am

Missing one or more of your teeth affects more than just your smile; it also affects your nutrition, oral health, confidence, and overall health and well being. Your diet and nutrition suffer because you’re not able to properly chew your food, which affects your digestion and health. Your confidence suffers because you may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about talking and smiling in front of other people. Your oral health suffers because without a replacement, a missing tooth compromises the health of your remaining teeth and your jawbone.


For Teeth Whitening, Sunnyvale Dentist Recommends These Foods

April 7, 2016

Filed under: general dentistry — Tags: , — drphilip @ 7:55 pm

Most people can probably guess what they shouldn’t eat or drink in order to help their teeth stay white: coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate, tomato sauce, curry-spiced foods and balsamic vinegar dressing to name a few. However, did you know that there are also foods you can eat to actually help whiten your teeth? Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Philip suggests you stock up on the following healthy, teeth whitening foods, and then bon appétit!


5 Signs You Need to Visit the Dentist in Sunnyvale

March 16, 2016

Have you been wondering whether or not you should visit the dentist lately? If so, the answer is probably yes. There are some tell-tale signs that a dental visit is necessary — your dentist in Sunnyvale, Dr. George Philip, is here to help you make the right decision. Below are the top five signs you should schedule a dental appointment today!


Change Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers in Sunnyvale

February 12, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — drphilip @ 9:32 pm

Porcelain veneers are an increasingly popular option for those why have appearance flaws harming the appearance of their smile. The veneers offer a quick and simple fix to freshen your smile with a new amazing appearance. George T. Philip provides porcelain veneers in Sunnyvale to craft a custom, beautiful smile to shine with confidence.

Are All-on-4 dental implants right for you and your smile?

January 21, 2016

Dental implants provide a wonderful, sturdy replacement for people who are missing one, a few, or all of their teeth. One major requirement for dental implants, however, is having enough jawbone structure present in the first place — news which can come as a big disappointment for adults who have already experienced a significant amount of bone loss due to their missing teeth. Fortunately, Dr. George T. Philip can perform All-on-4 dental implants, an option which allows just about anybody to enjoy the stability to dental implants! Keep reading for more on All-on-4 dental implants in Sunnyvale.


Dentures or Dental Implants in Sunnyvale? Find Out Today

December 23, 2015

When it comes to big improvements in dentistry, there’s no doubt it: we’ve made incredible strides in tooth replacement over the last couple of decades. Today, missing teeth can be restored far more comfortably and affordably than ever before. These aren’t your grandmother’s dentures — keep reading to learn about today’s dentures and dental implants in Sunnyvale from Dr. George T. Philip.


How To: Find the Perfect Cosmetic Dentist in Sunnyvale

November 25, 2015

You try hard to look your best. Clean clothes, new hair cut — but what about your smile? If you’ve got one or more damaged teeth, they’ve probably taken a real toll on your smile confidence. Did you know there’s an excellent cosmetic dentist in Sunnyvale? Learn more about Dr. George Philip today. Then contact us to schedule your appointment, right in time for the holidays!


Sunnyvale Dentist Recommends Oral Cancer Screenings

October 19, 2015


Close to 45,750 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. The disease kills roughly one person every hour, 24 hours a day. These are shocking statistics, but do you know what else? When caught early, oral cancer is much easier to treat. That’s why Dr. Philip, your dentist in Sunnyvale, TX, recommends regular oral cancer screenings. He knows that with oral cancer and so many other things, early detection truly is key.

Sunnyvale Dentist Gives You Options for Tooth Replacement

September 3, 2015

Missing teeth do more than inhibit our ability to chew and speak with ease. As people who are dealing with gaps in their smile know, missing teeth take a huge toll on our self-confidence. When you can’t smile or laugh without feeling embarrassed, life becomes a lot less fun.

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