George T. Philip, DMD Blog

5 False Myths About Dental Implants in Sunnyvale Debunked

December 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 6:17 am

If you’re living without your teeth, then you’re well aware of the inconveniences it can cause. With dental implants in Sunnyvale, though, you have a way to replace your teeth with what is considered to be the “gold standard.” A possible hinderance to you receiving the care you need, though, can be some of the myths that have circulated, which is why it’s important to consider the perspective of an expert. Your dentist weighs in to debunk 5 common myths about the dental implant process.


Smile for The Holidays with a Cosmetic Dentist in Sunnyvale

November 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 10:24 pm
Woman smiling

The holidays are here, so are you ready for your photo op? Many people avoid smiling in their pictures or avoid cameras in general because they aren’t satisfied with the way their smile looks. Your smile can affect your confidence and self-esteem, which is why chips, cracks, crooked teeth, discoloration, and other flaws in your grin can put a damper on your holiday cheer. Thankfully, your cosmetic dentist in Sunnyvale can help. Keep reading to discover how cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile of your dreams.


See a Sunnyvale Dentist to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 8, 2018

Filed under: general dentistry — Tags: — drphillipteam @ 12:11 am

family in shortsIt all comes down to numbers—or so the saying goes. Well, here are some very interesting numbers for you to consider. According to The American Dental Association, Americans who have dental insurance receive $323 worth of dental treatment on average in a year. Dental insurance plans, however, typically offer coverage for up to $1,250. This means that $927 is not being used. Multiply $927 by the 164 million people who carry dental insurance and you get a whopping $152 billion! Most of those benefits do not roll over, so that’s a lot of money the insurance companies keep. This year, get your money’s worth! Schedule a dental checkup or a restorative procedure with a dentist in Sunnyvale before the end of the year.


Welcome to Our New Website!

September 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 6:45 pm
welcome sign for new dental website

Have you noticed something different around here lately? As part of our continuous effort to improve the patient experience of all our guests, we recently completed a makeover of our dental website. Now, our website shares more custom photos and tells more of our story. At the same time, it includes the latest technology and makes us more accessible to everyone on the Internet. To learn more about the details behind the change, read on!


How to Maintain Temporary Dental Crowns in Sunnyvale

September 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 8:11 pm

A dental crown.Whether you’ve just had a root canal performed or you needed to restore a cracked tooth, dental crowns in Sunnyvale truly get the job done. Of course, before they can start protecting your smile for years to come, the dentist needs to have it fabricated. Since this process can take as long as two weeks to complete, you’ll need to wear a temporary crown to protect your tooth in the meantime.

This causes many patients to ask questions: “How do I maintain it?” “What can I eat?” “What if I have a dental emergency?” We’ll answer those questions today.


A Short Guide To Caring For Your Dental Implants in Sunnyvale

August 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 10:43 pm

Model of an implant in a lower jawDental implants in Sunnyvale are an outstanding investment in your oral health. No other replacement option will look, feel or function more like your own natural teeth. And the best part is that they last many decades, or even a lifetime, provided that they’re well maintained and cared for. Since implants can’t get cavities the way that normal teeth can, many people think that that they’re maintenance-free. Unfortunately, that’s simply not true! In this blog, you’ll learn why implants still require care and what steps you can take to enjoy their benefits as long as possible!


The Best Ways to Make Your Dental Implants in Sunnyvale Last

August 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 10:38 pm

Middle-aged woman smiling.Your dental implants are made to last a long time—just like your natural teeth. Now that you have a full and healthy smile, your main goal should be to keep it looking great and in good shape. So how do you make sure your dental implants in Sunnyvale last as long as they’re intended? Keep reading to find out some helpful tips on how to set your implants up for long-term success.


3 Types of Dental Implants

July 26, 2018

Dentist showing patient dental implant modelWhen it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are often the ideal solution because they restore the entire lost tooth – roots and crowns. What many patients don’t know, is that there are a number of different materials available to create the implant posts. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular implant materials to help you make an informed choice in partnership with your skilled Sunnyvale dentistry team.

The Top 5 Emotional Benefits of Dental Implants in Sunnyvale

July 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 6:36 am

woman having a dental examMissing teeth can take a toll on just about every aspect of your life. Finding a high-quality replacement is important for your continued health and happiness. Dental implants offer a comprehensive solution that does your smile good, and there are also a number of emotional benefits that come with this option as well. We can count 5 at least — learn what they are below.


The Role of Dental Insurance in Implant Tooth Replacement

June 4, 2018

More patients than ever are replacing missing teeth using dental implant supported tooth replacement. Dentists recommend these solutions because they look, feel, and function more like healthy, natural teeth, ensuring patients maintain the optimal level of oral health for life. While dental insurance doesn’t typically cover the cost of dental implant posts or their placement, your dentist may be able to use insurance coverage for other aspects of your tooth replacement plan. In this post, we’ll review the ways that dental insurance impacts the costs of implant supported tooth replacement.

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